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BOOST your presentations in seconds!
Add free pictures to your slides, works for personal or business, education or sales, pitch a new product
Get an AI Assistant and powerup your presentations.

Your AI-Powered presentation assistant!

BETA is FREE! Create your quick free account. Give our powerful AI a topic and get content and images for a full presentation in seconds. Or ask it to expand on your current slide content and simply help you flush out ideas. Whether you're short on time or inspiration, bring the power of AI to help you create meaningful content and BOOST your slides in seconds.

ai can help build your presentations
ai can help you design

Use AI to generate meaningful content for a presentation that is yours

You choose the style and tone.

AIPresentationBOOST (BETA) will recommend text and images for your slides to layout your presentation in a meaningful story. You have total control of what you bring from AI into your presentation. Everyone uses a unique style of writing and now you can ask AI to generate text the same way. You choose the style and the tone that you want in your slides. If you want it to be friendly or direct, formal or relaxed, active voice or reflective, concise or personal. You can always generate presentation slides in different tones to see how they compare and use the one that works for you.

What makes AIPresentationBOOST unique?

You are in control.

You start by entering a title and add as much descriptive content about the presentation as you want. You choose what tone and style you want your for your slides based on the presentation you are giving or the audience you are targeting. AI will read this and recommend a series of slides with content and artwork to get your message across.

Get AI recommended artwork royalty-free.

The AI will also recommend artwork that is 100% royalty free based on your input that you can download and use in your slides.

You choose the tone and style.

You decide the tone of the writing (friendly, formal, excited, relaxed, etc.) and you control the style (creative, descriptive, active voice, personal, narrative, etc.). AI uses this to then generate paragraphs and bullet points broken into meaningful slides that will best convey your message in the style and voice you want.

AI is your ultimate assistant.

Use the output however and wherever you want. AIPresentationBoost doesn't replace your current presentation software, it enhances it. The generated content can be quickly copied to any presentation app so you can use your preferred program, PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Canva, anything. It's like having a full creative team always at your fingertips.

Get FREE early access to your new AI presentation assistant.

Sign up for free!

BETA Sign up is FREE!

Use AI to help boost your presentations as often as you want at no charge. Sign-up is free with only a name and email address.

Use AIPresentationBOOST as often as you like with a completely free account. If you are short on content, inspiration or time, AI can help flush out ideas, add new perspective and dramatically improve your slides in seconds. AI is your assistant. It's like having a full creative team always at your fingertips.

ai can help you write